Interactive Lake map
Peg One
Peg Two
Peg Four
Peg Five
Peg Six
Peg Seven
Peg Eight
Peg Ten
Peg Eleven
Peg Twelve
Peg Twelve a
Peg Thirteen
Peg Fourteen
Peg Fourteen a
Peg Fifteen
Peg Sixteen
Peg Seventeen
Peg Eighteen
Peg Nineteen
Peg Twenty
Peg Twenty One
Peg Twenty Two
Peg Twenty Three
Site info, pay point & rules
All the info you need is here, terms of use, rules and how and where to pay.
Take an envelope, fill in your details and place in the metal box - all before you setup too please, and we check the box a few times a day.
Please make sure you are aware of the rules!
The Loo!
Yes, it looks like a tardis, but its the loo. While it won't win any awards, we do regularly check and clean it, and please make sure you use it and not the banks or field around the lake.
The bins have been removed - so please make sure you've collected ALL of your rubbish and take it home, and not leave in the water, banks, parking areas or toilet (including cigarette ends, tea bags, banana skins etc.)