Match Report – Leamington Kingfishers – 18th April

It was hard work on Sunday. I think the cold nights didn’t help and the carp weren’t interested in feeding. John G won the match from the point peg with 22lb 8oz, he had two or three fish later on fishing a whole worm. I fluked a second place with 12lb which was mostly an 11lb lump I had 15 minutes from the end on sweetcorn down the edge. John F was third with 10lb 8oz from the peg nearest the house legering sweetcorn. Then it was Geoff who was in the corner next to me, he had three carp for 7lb 4oz on the method feeder. Then Kevin who left early had 8oz, about 5 or 6 small roach.

What was really bizarre was that I had a walk round and I counted at least 12 big carp sitting just below the surface in the corner and then spread up the far bank were other clusters of big carp just basking.

I don’t think anybody caught a fish out in front of them, they were all down the side and later on. So a puzzling day, but it still is only April and what a gorgeous day to go fishing in such a beautiful spot.

David Chambers – Leamington Kingfishers