Home Farm 27th Feb 2020

The storms, with the latest one, ‘Jorge’, last weekend, they, like the rain, they don’t just start they quickly turn into a downpour.

Thursday,27/2/20, looked the kinder of days, and although no rain, there was a bitter north westerly, probably why I had a choice of swims.  Usual attention to the ground bait preparation, then a first try with the medium open ended feeder.  Two maggots have been working well throughout the winter period, and they were again within 30 minutes.  A nice Common of 4lbs., so the treaded blank had been avoided.  Some more loose fed sinking pellet & maggot to keep their interest and another good take, this time a Mirror of 3.5 to 4lbs.  In spite of the biting wind this was shaping up to be a productive session.  Even the ducks soon lost interest diving down for any stray pellets, but the attractors were working as indicated by a number of line bites as fish moved around the swim.  Then another Mirror, 5 to 6lbs., so the quality was improving, the feeder doing its job, laying down the ground bait.  Two more Commons followed, by now fingers were well and truly cold making it very difficult to hook the maggots to the size 18 hook, so called it a day after the fish, a Crucian  of 1lbs.  Finishing at 4pm., with 6x Carp, for a total of about 20lbs.

Tight Lines,  Tinca Tinca.